October '89

"Join Mega-Star DIZZY and the YOLKFOLK in their latest adventure in Fantasy World! Incredible Dragon's Lairs, Wizard's Cloud Castle, the Evil King's Palace & Dungeons, Mysterious new worlds, volcanoes and more incredible playability."
What the press said
The Map (Design, Spectrum)
It was the summer of ‘89 and Dizzy’s popularity was massive. We’d completed Operation Gunship and Ghostbusters 2 was nearing completion, so it was time to start another big Dizzy adventure game and make sure it was out for Christmas and this time not taking it too close!
We wanted to improve on everything that had gone before in both Dizzy and Treasure Island Dizzy. We re-introduced the lives and introduced a text window overlay system for conversations and the inventory system.
We introduced a bunch of additional characters, the Yolkfolk, all of whom needed helping, and had a great story set in a fantasy land. It borrowed from classic tales like Jack and Beanstalk and had two dragons!
This was the last game we fully wrote on the Amstrad and Spectrum and believe this to be our most accomplished game on those formats. It’s still staggering to comprehend how we squeezed everything into 34KB! The game reviewed fantastically and sold amazing well and we are extremely proud of this game.
The one sad thing is that in our haste to get the game published, and being such good friends with the Darlings we didn’t get a proper contract agreed. From this point onwards Codemasters claimed they owned Dizzy as they designed and trademarked the logo. A year later, still being good friends, we signed a contract agreeing that we jointly owned it - massive mistake!
Many ideas from this were taken into the massive Fantastic Dizzy (The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy) and Mystery World Dizzy is an updated version of this game for consoles.
Squeezing the Spectrum : Wireframe Article Issue 19
August 2019
We wrote a technical article on how we managed to squeeze Fantasy World Dizzy into the 48k Spectrum. The article gets quite technical and even has a link to the source code!